Expert Witness
UD&C has helped resolve hundreds of accessibility complaints and legal suits. Our depth of experience and our practical knowledge allows us to speak authoritatively on accessibility matters. Our direct involvement in the regulatory development of the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADDAG) and ICC/ANSI A117.1 Standards for Accessible Design review processes gives us well founded insights into the intent of accessibility standards and their application. This coupled with our experience finding solutions for large and small facilities in almost every type of building from airports and resorts to small “mom and pop” stores, enables us to provide our clients with the widest possible range of compliance alternatives.
Universal Designers & Consultants expert witness services include:
Defense and Plaintiff representation
Document review
Participating in mediation
Generating expert reports
Courtroom observations
Facility evaluations, deposition and expert testimony
Our opinions are consistent and presented in a clear, straightforward manner, allowing attorneys to quickly ascertain how we can help to support their clients. Please click on the Projects tab for more information about our experience.